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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Shameless Plug for UIUC Engineering

Just because I went reality, some say the College of Engineering is tops in the world. It certainly is among the most elite, with 16 top-5 programs!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Northwestern's work on Climate Change - A lot going on!!

If you have any interest in climate change and want to get a sense of the research efforts going into this important topic, or if you are interested in checking out research labs involved in these studies, you really need to read this extensive site outlining Northwestern's involvement in climate science! Let Doc V know if you want to learn more about any piece of this work.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Fractal planting patterns yield optimal crop yields

Some students have been intrigued by fractals. And the more we look around in Nature in all sorts of systems, we find fractal patterns develop. It appears that this is also true for crop yields and production. An interesting article about some patterns that have developed, without planning, indicate that optimal yields are nearly reached when fractal patterns are used. This could lead to some interesting research options!