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Abridged CV for Dr. Mark Vondracek

Received a PhD (1995), as well as his M.S. (1992) and B.S. (1990) in physics, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His graduate research was done in experimental high energy particle physics, using data from the CDF Collaboration at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) outside Chicago.

List of Coaching/Sponsoring/Collaborative Activities & Organizations
Publications List
TED Talk about my mindset and approach

State and Local Awards:

Illinois State Board of Education Award of Excellence (2005)
     - Selected by state panel of peers
     - A Runner-up for Illinois Teacher of the Year (2005)
     - Those Who Excel Program: Evanston Township High School (ETHS) Teacher of the Year (2005; selected by superintendent and administration)
     - Member of ILSTOY (Illinois State Teachers of the Year for finalists and TOY) and the NNSTOY  (National Network of State Teachers of the Year) (2016-Present)

Golden Apple Finalist Award (2010)
Golden Apple Teacher of Distinction (2010)
     - Nominated by families, selected by peers at Golden Apple Foundation

ETHS Teacher Excellence Award (2009)
    - Peer nominated and selected

Hundreds of students on dozens of teams who placed in top 10 in state, national competitions (TEAMS, WYSE Academic Challenge, COMAP HiMCM, Moody's and MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge, numerous research contests). See some summaries of student work and achievements.
Taught and coached 28 national semifinalists in Physics Olympiad

Helped raise $1.5 million in donations to build ETHS Research Center (2017-18)
Featured by Society for Science and the Public (SSP) for student research efforts; see dozens of examples of student research papers (2018)
ETHS Research Center recognized as Fall Outstanding Project by Learning By Design magazine; see feature here (2019).
Invited Panelist for Illinois Statewide K-12 Computer Science Education Summit: What will Quantum Computing look like in K-12 Schools? (9/20/21, video of session)
Invited Panelist for Illinois Dept. of Innovation & Technology webinar for the first annual World Quantum Day: What is Quantum Science & Why Should I Care? (4/14/22, video of session)
TEDx Northwestern speaker: Momentum (May, 2022) - "A Quantum Revolution of Education"; published related commentary on "The Quantum Mechanical Student" in The Science Teacher journal (May/June, 2022). TED Talk here.
Convening committee for SEL4IL organization, working to help promote SEL and have schools successfully implement SEL programs (2023)

Make It Better Terrific Teacher Recognition (2010)
     - One of six North Shore teachers selected and featured by editors of Make It Better magazine, nominated by students and parents

Nearly $100,000 in grants in CPS to start technology planning and implementation (1995-98)
Appointed as a CPS Technology Plan Reviewer, by CPS administration

Hundreds of recognition and commendatory letters from students and parents (most proud of these!), and dozens of letters from colleges thanks to former students being incredibly kind and generous, as they reflect back on their high school experience.

National Awards:

The following are nominated by former students, selected by panels of professors, college presidents and administrators, and college students:

University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award (2023, 2022, 2020)
Northwestern University Distinguished Secondary Teacher Award (2021)
Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) National Teacher of the Year Award (2019)
Included as one of thirty teachers since the 1850s in Encyclopedia of Czech American Biographies (2015)
Society for Science and the Public (SSP) Advocate Grant winner (2015)
NSHSS Claes Nobel National Top Ten Teacher of the Year (2013)
MIT Inspirational Teacher Award (2013)
Williams College Olmsted Award (2012)
National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) Claes Nobel Teacher of Distinction (2011)

Judge for SSP Advocate Grant proposals (2017, 2018)
Peer Reviewer for The Physics Teacher (top journal for high school and college physics teachers) (2010-present)

Team Leader for Teach to Lead group, working on national summit for safety, health and welfare of youth (school violence); proposal selected through US Dept of Ed. (April, 2018)
Helped organize (chaired planning committee) a Powered by Teach to Lead National Summit for School Safety in March of 2019, in Birmingham, Alabama, and co-founder of National Coalition for School Safety.
Elected Chairman of the Board for National Coalition for Safe Schools (2019); incorporated in Alabama and gained 501(c3) nonprofit status (2020).

The following are awarded based on student performance in state and national competitions:

Intel/Regeneron Science Talent Search Teacher of Merit (9-time winner)
Siemens Science Competition Teacher of Merit (7-time winner)
American Association of Physics Teacher (AAPT) Excellence in Physics Teaching Award (2-time winner)
Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) Teacher Award (7-time winner, for having a student win state)
International Science and Engineering Fair Student Adviser (3 years: 3 Best in Category, 6 state finalists, 3 ISEF finalists)
Dozens of student research papers that have received recognition at local, state, and/or national level, and two at international level through JSHS in London.

Convening Committee member for SEL4IL organization (2023)
Participated in invitation-only Renaissance Weekend, Santa Fe (Sept. 2023)
Invited speaker at national convening of the American Institute of Architects' Committee on Architecture in Education - summit on school safety, and his talk focused on What is a Safe & Welcoming School (Nov. 2022)
Amherst College Phoebe and Zephaniah Swift Moore Teaching Award book recipient (2 times)
AAPT National Physics Teacher Grant (3-time winner)
Department of Energy Nuclear Science Grants (2-time winner)
Selected as one of ten Midwest teachers by Society for Science and the Public (SSP) to be on an advisory committee for the Science Talent Search (2014-15)

International Awards and Recognition:

Top 50 Finalist for the Global Teacher Prize (2015)
Varkey Teacher Ambassador; renamed Global Teacher Prize Ambassador in 2020 (2015 - Present)
- Invited to and Attended first four VTA Leadership Summits in Dubai (March 2016-19)
- Asked to be one of five VTA members of the first Varkey Advisory Group, (2016-17)
- Asked to stay on Varkey Advisory Group for all other terms (2017-Present)
- Presented at VTA Leadership Summits in Dubai (2017, 2018, 2019)
Presented at Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai (2018, 2019)
- Asked to serve on Global Focus Group (UK) for The Institute for Ethical AI in Education's recommendation to global education systems for the ethical framework of AI in education. Asked to bring in two students for student panel. (2020). Check out the Report
- Judge for Global Student Prize & Global Teacher Prize (2022-Present)
- Asked to write about suggestions for online teaching - blog post on UNESCO's International Task Force for Teachers on Education 2030, Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Crisis (2020)
- One of seven teachers representing the profession at the Clinton Global Initiative "A Celebration of Teachers" dinner, put on by the Varkey Foundation and Brookings Institution, 9/21/2016
- Featured for STEM work in one of the largest South Korean newspapers (2013)
Raised $20,000 for schools in Malawi, Africa, to purchase land, raise crops, drill wells and have irrigation system for crops. See our website for more details, and to make any online donations. Here's a nice story from the ETHS newspaper. (2016-Present)

Other Awards/Recognition:

TED Talk on a new mindset for education, if we ever want to break free from a traditional, standardized system. It begins with how we view our students, and is inspired by quantum mechanics, of all things. (July, 2022)

This class blog and over 100 calculus-based physics how-to videos are approaching 915,000 views by students and colleagues around the world (over 40 countries). Also run the CABS site  (41,000 views) for original science research that can be done in high school labs or at a student's house, meant for any of the thousands of high schools with no research program or accessible university labs, and viewed by groups in two dozen countries; the SEE SAW site and EMPATHY site (13,700 views) for lab and active learning science activities with near zero equipment, electricity or supplies, for schools in multiple countries that have no lab facilities, no electricity, little or no history/experience with lab-based classes, or very few resources (began with friends in Sierra Leone, 2018); and the EMPATHY site for our partnership with providing funds for school-owned farms in Malawi, started after the last famine of 2014-15, so some 1500 students will be fed year-round and will not have to leave school during dry seasons and droughts (and this serves as a national model for other schools in the region). In 2022, as Covid subsides, 20 more schools adopting this model, and will feed some 10,000 students per year overall. 

Co-founder and elected Chairman of the Board for the National Coalition for Safe Schools (NCSS). This was a teacher-led movement focused on providing all teachers and schools with the resources needed to maintain the good health of the whole child (physical, intellectual, mental, emotional, and social) and a safe learning environment for all students and staff. The hope will always be to have all teachers include social-emotional skills and mental health awareness and supports for students, which help reduce and eliminate violent behaviors by students while improving academic performance and learning. (2019-2023)

Invited to present and facilitate sessions at a symposium in Portland. This is on school safety and run by the American Institute of Architects' Committee on Architecture for Education, and associated with the Reimagine America's Schools group. This will include work done by the National Coalition for Safe Schools. Topic of talk was "What is a Safe & Welcoming school." (Nov, 2022)

Asked to write a blog post about "Online teaching during the COVID-19 crisis," for the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, UNESCO. (May, 2020)

Interview in Physics Today (June, 2016; April, 2017). Glad to present some of the things going on in high school physics classes to the professional ranks.

Contacted by the Czech Republic Ambassador's Office at their U.S. embassy for biographyEncyclopedia of Czech American Biographies; honored and humbled to be one of only thirty teachers included, dating back to the 1850s. (2014-15)

Asked by Producer of the movie Flatland 2: Sphereland to be an educational consultant; this is a sequel to Flatland, The Movie, (2012; wrote content-related worksheets for students). Over 2000 copies sold, with an estimated 800,000-1,000,000 or more student views.

My classes were selected by a South Korean journalist team to be featured in articles done on computational thinking lessons in science in one of the largest Korean newspapers (2013)

Article in the ETHS Alumni Association's KIT Newsletter (see page 8) featuring work with ETHS students to raise funding for Malawi school farms, so students have food even through periods of drought and famine. (2019)

Twice elected by community for four-year terms on the Woodland School District 50 School Board; served as Vice President (2009-13) and Board President (2013-15), representing 30,000 taxpayers and responsible for 6300 students, $85 million budget; some 12,000 different children were in the schools and affected by our decisions (2007 - 2015).

Author or Co-author of over 130 education and physics research articles published in peer-reviewed journals; list available (1994 - Present).

Peer reviewer for The Physics Teacher journal. This is the primary journal for high school and introductory college physics teachers, through the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).

Lead teacher with iLab (and Advisory Board member); CE21 (CT-STEM); GK-12 Reach for the Stars; EAGER: MAKER Instrumentation Project; and Project Excite at Northwestern University for a number of years; this is being followed up by the creation of the Excite Club (2020-Present). Each of these has implications for the larger education and learning community, having trained dozens of teachers and various curricula used with thousands of students at other schools; for instance, the radioactivity iLab, housed in Queensland, Australia, has been used by tens of thousands of students around the world.