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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Classes for today

Periods 3-4, 8-9:

If any brave souls can volunteer and put up their solutions for the E-fields on the NON-uniform density problems from last night, let's see if we can reach consensus. Remember, these are worst-case Gauss scenarios.

Then there is the reality that not all things we use in electronics are spheres, long cylinders or large plates. There are rings, wires that really do have ends, and so on! You know where this is going....NON-Gauss situations. Check out videos on how we try to approach real objects such as the E-field for charged sticks we used in lab before, as well as finding the potential for a stick.

When done, please work together and try the problems on pages 2 and 3 of the NON-Gauss packet that will be passed out. On the stick problem, page 3, also try to find the potential at the same point shown, in addition to the E-field.

Period 6:

Let's pull out your Chromebooks, and check out a Khan video on the types of problems we are starting to try and solve, those with acceleration. Anything we do with constant acceleration will use the three formulas on the sheet we got yesterday. For any type of problem like this, it is a good idea to list out the information we are given in a problem, such as distance traveled, initial speed, final speed, the time traveled, and the acceleration value. Some of these will be known, and one or two not known in any given problem - but we have the three sets of relationships that will help us out, so we can find any of the unknowns.

So watch a video on how we can do this to try and figure out the acceleration of a plane launching off an aircraft carrier. Take notes on it. This will be a guide for doing the couple problems on the third page of our packet from yesterday. After watching the video, try the problems with one or two classmates, and have them ready for Wednesday. These will be typical, everyday sorts of situations that we can use the three equations over and over and over again, to predict what will happen when acceleration is involved.

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