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Monday, November 20, 2017

Consider taking action: Let Congress know about Starvation in Yemen

Hello, all, and I hope you are well heading into Thanksgiving. We have SO much to be thankful for in our lives, but after watching one of the stories on '60 Minutes' this past Sunday, it was reinforced how horrible some in this world have it.
Please consider contacting your congressional representatives and senators about the situation in Yemen. Due to a Saudi Arabian blockade, millions of meals are not making it to innocent civilians, including children who are dying at a rate of 1 every 10 minutes, due to starvation. Let's see if anyone in Congress will even bring this to the attention of the appropriate committee or the State Dept. You can find email contacts for Congress at!/.
If it helps, a possible message to your representatives is:
"It has come to my attention that millions of innocent citizens of Yemen, including hundreds of thousands of children, are at risk of starving to death. The reason for this humanitarian crisis is primarily due to a blockade of Yemen's ports by Saudi Arabia. Millions of meals are on ships, waiting to be unloaded and distributed by the United Nations and other NGOs. This action by the Saudis, one of our supposed allies in the Middle East, goes against international standards for war and is simply inhuman.
While the civil war in Yemen is a complex issue, I am asking that you at least bring this to the attention of the appropriate committees as well as the State Department. There must be some leverage the United States has with the Saudis to encourage them to do the right thing, and allow food go to starving, innocent noncombatants, including children who are dying at a rate of one every ten minutes. Thank you for your consideration."

A second option is to sign this petition. Thanks for your consideration!!

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